When delivering our ICT curriculum, our main aim is to equip students with the skills that they need to thrive in a world that is led by technology. 

At KS3, we aim to give students more confidence using a range of hardware and software, as well as the knowledge to use both safely. Students also need to develop their skills in digital literacy and use software effectively to communicate. We also introduce students to computational thinking and basic coding. 

At KS4, students will develop and refine their skills using software and become fluent in communicating using a variety of different technologies. They will also focus on the digital skills they will need in the workplace and to navigate daily life. 

Students begin KS3 learning about the basic hardware and software of a computer. They move into developing skills using application software such as: word processing, presentation software and visual communication software. They also experiment with digital photography and have the opportunity to use different technology in a fun and creative way. 

At KS4, students practise and build on many of the skills introduced to them at KS3, but they also study cybersecurity in more detail to understand how to safeguard themselves in their adult lives. They can gain a functional skills qualification as soon as they are ready. This begins at entry level 3 and then develops into a level 1 and level 2 course. If students excel in ICT, there is the possibility to move onto further qualifications. 

All students have access to their own Google Classroom accounts where work can be set by all teachers and managed online. Students have daily opportunities to create and organise their work digitally across all subjects and to become independent in their use of technology. 

In ICT, the core aims for all learners are as follows:

  • demonstrate the ability to develop an appropriate level of digital skills to use digital devices and the internet.
  • apply this knowledge and these skills in common situations. 
  • develop digital communication skills. 
  • demonstrate the ability to develop, manage and configure devices.
  • apply knowledge and these skills to organise, share and manage files. 
  • become vigilant of online threats.